GOOD ART HLYWD - Josh Warner
Josh Warner is the designer behind the GOOD ART HLYWD label that makes genuine American luxury jewelry in Los Angeles. It is easily observable from GOOD ART HLYWD pieces that the artist puts a lot of thought, talent and work into the jewelry collection. The results exhibit real American styling and ingenuity, avidly focused on making people happy, through good wearable silver art pieces that are classy, luxurious and unique. To Josh, GOOD ART HLYWD pieces mean "something hearty and earnest in character; shiny; always well-made by hand and luxurious.”

(above: 2 pound silver jack skull no.11 / band rings)
When we chatted with Josh, he was upbeat, personable, candid and sincere. Josh uses the words “good” and “happy” quite often in interviews and via the GA blog; it seems to be a major theme for the brand. The GOOD ART HLYWD website (with blog, gallery, photos) is wonderfully done and really does give you a good feeling when you visit. The GOOD ART story goes that Josh first started making jewelry as a matter of need, such as the right earrings to poke into his ears, and eventually this led to jewelry design and a full blown business.
(above: GA wallet chains and hangers)
With much success in the States and Japan, the celebrity scene took notice and today, you will see Good Art just about everywhere in Hollywood. The latest GOOD ART HLYWD piece to splash the fashion scene is a skull ring made for Sylvester Stallone, which was featured in the movie, "Expendables". Sly owns many GA HLYWD pieces himself and you can actually find the ring originally made for him on the GA HLYWD website. The ring that Sly wears in the Expendables movie was inspired by a drawing that was given to Josh. Other GOOD ART clients include Jessica Alba; Brooke Shields; Usher and LeBron James, etc.
(above: GA spanish cross pendants)
(above: GA model 11/19 bracelet)
When asked about the fancy skull ring for Sly, Josh stated, "the Expendables ring is a big departure for me, it's not typical of my work, more ornate and garish and over the top. But that's fine, its a collaboration with Sly and as such I think it looks a lot like that. He's got a great eye for that sort of thing, I've done a lot of custom work for him and it's always fun."
(above: "Expendables" GA sugar skull bracelet version)
There are 4 versions of the ring. Version 1 is all sterling silver; Version 2 is sterling with 22kt gold (teeth, propellers, dynamite all in 22kt) - shown below; Version 3 is sterling with 22kt gold (teeth, propellers, bomb, dynamite, rose on the skull and flames on the side of the head); Version 4 is all 22kt gold. Version 2 is worn by Arnold & Sly, and version 3 by Sly, which is limited to 21 numbered pieces. All the rings are made from the same mold, foundry and hands!
(above: "Expendables" GA sugar skull ring - v.2)
The GOOD ART HLYWD website is an online showroom, which gives silver fans the opportunity to view what was previously exclusive to the GA local showroom and high-end boutiques. The GA collection includes gold and diamond jewelry as well as fine sterling silver jewelry and accessories, including wallet chains; pendants; crosses (Mr SNR favorite); silver zippo lighters; stylish bracelets and much more!

(above: .45 acp silver bullet pendant)
All jewelry pieces are handmade in Los Angeles and Josh oversees every stage of production, from start to finish. For more information on GOOD ART HLYWD, go to